Tuesday 22 March 2022

Growth Mindset

 Growth Mindset Vs Fixed Mindset

Growth mindset or fixed mindset—can the way we think about ourselves and our abilities shape our lives? Absolutely. The way we think about our intellect and talents not only affects the way we feel, it can also affect what we achieve, whether we stick to new habits, or if we will go on to develop new skills.

A growth mindset means that you believe your intelligence and talents can be developed over time. A fixed mindset means that you believe intelligence is fixed—so if you’re not good at something, you might believe you’ll never be good at it. 

What is a growth mindset?

A growth mindset views intelligence and talent as qualities that can be developed over time.

This doesn’t mean that people with a growth mindset assume that they could be the next Einstein—there are still variables in what we can all achieve. A growth mindset simply means that people believe their intelligence and talents can be improved through effort and actions. 

What is a fixed mindset?

In a fixed mindset, people believe attributes, such as talent and intelligence, are fixed—that's to say, they believe they’re born with the level of intelligence and natural talents they’ll reach in adulthood. 

A fixed-minded person usually avoids challenges in life, gives up easily, and becomes intimidated or threatened by the success of other people. This is in part because a fixed mindset doesn't see intelligence and talent as something you develop—it's something you "are". 



1 comment:

  1. Growth Mindset is a key to learning. Students who have been trained to always have growth mindset are most likely to make progress in their learning. The growth mindset instinctively lead those students to solve the problem at hand before moving on, rather than leaving the problem unsolved and moving on. Those students will possible exploits whatever resources seem to be befitting to find the solution to a problem.
