Wednesday 14 September 2022

PD - The Arts: Dance, Drama, Visual Arts and Music

 Visual Arts

As part of our PD, the JBS staff were split into four groups; Dance, Drama, Visual Arts, and Music. I was in the Visual Arts group.

During our Sessions, we discussed and explored the  following: 

  • The resources which are available at our school for practical VA lessons.
  • The skills that can be taught through VA.
  • Famous New Zealand Artists and what they are famous for.
  • The art site that suits our needs
  • The vocabulary that students can learn through VA
  • The classroom art activities for all age levels can be done.
After the initial session, we implemented the art lessons with different twists and purposes. For me, we spread the art lessons over a number of weeks. The main focus was: The Elements of Arts, Doing a Sceney, Self Portrait, and Still Life. The slides below sum up the art lessons that I implemented in my class.

It was amazing to do this PD with the teachers from across a range of roles and responsibilities.

I also explored the benefits of teaching students the VA and below is what I have found and acknowledged every word that has been said.

  • Help Store Information Longer
  • Make Communication Quicker And Simpler
  • Aid Better Comprehension
  • Act As Stimulators For Emotions
  • Drive Motivation
  • Unsuitable Visuals Equals Unhappy Learners

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